The greatest feature of Python is that this programming language is changing in a big way, to do things, and can accommodate the requirements of today. It is still quite popular and professionals regard it as a production-based language, specifically designed for use in top projects and enterprises. Since It has a great history and there is a huge community always supportive in approach. It is easy & fast with splendid code readability. It has varied uses like the creation of scripts for desktop programs, the building of Raspberry Pi applications, apart from training machine learning algorithms, and finally the configuration of servers. In brief, it is special.
A Brilliant Role
Presently Python programming language is being used to create many websites and several conglomerates through it have developed and designed successful apps to avail the benefits it offers. As per the PYPL Popularity of Programming Language Index created by analyzing the performance of language tutorials searched on Google the figures reveal that in May 2020 compared to May 2019 the share of Python was 31.17 showing a 4.3% increase. In 2020, it is assured to meet better stature and popularity. The language in itself is extensible so that the developers can code partial chunks using it.
Let us examine few python trends and areas of focus:
Django framework and its Development:
It is a highly efficient and flexible version that saves overall development time and makes for quick web applications. It is an open-source framework, and also gets regular and high-end upgrades thereby easing the implementation procedure. The several third party libraries have enhanced its popularity among YouTube, and others
TurboGears framework is a full-stack variant specifically created for a fast and smooth procedure for web development. Through it, the developers get a chance for rebuilding the business sense in the entire platform and also reduce the code lines.
Moreover, in the present year, there will be better capacity and stability components. There will be microframework to help the developers for creating software leading to saving money, and time.
The pyramid framework is flexible, minimalistic, and lightweight and facilitates the development of web applications in a quick way. It is based on the fundamentals of a simple coding technique. Lastly, it offers much freedom.
More organizations will take to it
There was a giant stride in 2019 in the overall user count for Python and is bound to continue in 2020 also. It has attractive features, detailed documentation it is easy-to-understand and also has extensive community support.
Data Analytics with Python:
Data analytics has a broad reach today and many businesses use it. Surveys point out that around 50 percent of the Python developers use Python in data analytics. There are several task-oriented libraries available in Python.
Automation and Flexibility to Impress More Users:
The features of Python are speed, task automation, fast creation of codes, and scripting. Moreover, it provides flexibility and has a tremendous capacity to impress users. It adjusts well and can work in a fine way with several languages, frameworks, hardware, and architecture. It is very creative in fulfilling all types of aspirations.
The Usefulness of Python:
· A great feature of Python is that it offers many options to programmers and successfully meets their varied development needs.
·It is of extensive use in building and training artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms, apart from data science, system operations, web development, deployment, and scientific modeling.
·Python language works effortlessly with Big data, data science, networking, and machine learning. It has bright integration features.
· It easily handles big data and also performs complex mathematics.
·It is used along with software to create workflows.
·It is used on servers to create web-based applications. It connects database systems and reads/modifies files.
· Like other uses it can work well for rapid prototyping and in software development.
Python runs on an interpreter system allowing developers to execute the code quickly when it is written/ completed.
The Future
It opens many jobs at the international level and even in India, there are many openings that offer a bright scope to many aspiring professionals. It is going to stay at the top for a long time to come. Furthermore, it is being patronized by the major players and it is going to stay ahead in the future decade also. Its frameworks are ready for use. All tasks are easily done in automation in Python. It is easy to learn when the learner is eager and enthusiastic and understands the basic philosophy. Thus, with all these useful features, it is important today and the learner to dive into it and take all benefits from it in a systematic manner. It is an easy-to-grasp language and also versatile; making the learner use it effectively and constantly get educated with the emerging trends, developments, and breakthroughs.
Python today has occupied a primary space in the scheme of things and is totally established in the structure of the software ecosystem and is assured of a bright future in 2020. It gives a stiff strong competition to other languages.