6 Blockchain Career Options That Created A Buzz In 2020

Shubhangi Singh
4 min readOct 20, 2020


Today the Blockchain technology is trendy, hot and popular, and possesses many innovative characteristics. Moreover, many business leaders are keen to merge and use it in their business process with an eye on high revenue. There is an increased demand for possessing and developing block chain skills. It is a top skill with a high demand and is having a stupendous growth pattern also assuring a profitable future. As it offers many opportunities for people to get involved in creating the technology of the future, we present a few career options for the interested persons to start.

A brief introduction

An important feature of this technology is that it is new, challenging, and is fast changing. An employee can belong to any professional background and it is suited for technically talented people, like software developers and engineers. Many of the projects need research, design, and building of a new platform as well as projecting business ideas that are ideally suited for the future. At present there is a huge and unmet demand leading to a big shortage of blockchain professionals, possessing the required qualifications.

The basic requisites

The basic requisites for entering the blockchain market are:

  • A Background in Computer Science will help in sharpening technical skills and make sure a thorough understanding of technology and tools.
  • Knowing the Basics of Blockchain Technology and programming comprehensively. They also need to be familiar with decentralized blockchain, crypto-currency d App development, and smart contracts.
  • Yet another requisite is Expertise in C++, Solidity, and relevant Programming Languages
  • Knowing Cryptography, and Data Structure, and data security
  • A grasp of the Business World by knowing the features of block chain technology and the process of upgrading the business,
  • You will have to thinking beyond the dimensions of understanding the problems and finding the right solutions.

Scope and prospects

1. The ground is fertile for Blockchain Developers and offers a popular career opportunity in the market.

Blockchain is a revolutionary technology which has the tremendous capacity to open up the comparatively modern field of development — the block chain development. There are an innumerable job opportunities for developers in it. They must develop and optimize block chain protocols, create an architecture of systems, besides developing smart contracts and web apps that use block chain technology

2. Blockchain Project Manager

They need to work with all the business needs related to blockchain. The requirement is to cooperate with business professionals as well as blockchain app developers, with a focus on understanding mutual needs, challenges, and ensure a development process considering the budget and resources. Possessing strong managerial skills and using a simple language is very important.

3. Quality Engineers

They need to focus on maintaining a meaningful and good environment for the process development. They must test different scenarios and use proper automation frameworks, tools, and devices. Applicants for this job, must be proficient in the basics of the block chain environment besides knowing and using testing standards

4. Web Designers

Today many established businesses are keen to use the potential of block chain and diversify their trading and payment process. This is leading to a huge demand for block chain web developers capable of designing customer-centric websites and pages that are customer-centric. Through this the customers will know what the businesses offer and can ensure availing a few benefits. These professionals must possess deep knowledge of HTML, JavaScript, CSS, JavaScript, and designing tools prevalent in the market.

5. Block chain Legal Consultant

There is a surge of new laws in the world about the usage of crypto currencies that can be used. There can be sufficient guidance through the technology for legal contracts ensuring a perennial need of experts as legal advisors. The firms are keen to integrate the technology with the existing solutions, in the legal domain. The legal consultants and attorneys can of a huge demand in the future to offer sound legal advice regarding building legal partnerships and also in putting their money in the effective development of initial coin offering. All the interested persons as legal consultants must possess knowledge of block chain technology and legal issues and matters.

6. Blockchain App Developer

App developers are popular and receive a high pay. Their main work is around designing and developing solutions and apps that add value to the business. They must also know the fundamental concepts of smart contracts, Hyper-ledger and remain experts in HTML, C, C++, SQL, XML, Solidity, jQuery, and Go RESTful, extensively.


As a conclusion we can say that any new technology can be impactful and useful. Furthermore, based on these facts and realities, a person can seek a bright career in the block chain market now as well as in the future and avail the benefits of this growing and trending technology.



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