All of us have heard about Python and a very popular saying goes with it: “Anyone can learn python without any prior programming experience.”

If you are a data scientist or hoping to enter the field, Python is essential. Let’s explore why and what you can end up developing. Automating emails, making sense out of raw data, or creating a game are important criteria for beginners and Python is powerful enough to build web applications with all these aspects. Its vast libraries, dynamic code capabilities, and high productivity are some of the reasons why Python is being used everywhere.

But why should one learn Python?

1) Data analytics and Big Data — This is one of the top reasons why Python dominated in 2019. Python offers extensive libraries like Numpy and PyMySQL for data analytics and data science. Python has more diversity than any other language like R or Matlab and also allows you to automate different processes.

While Numpy and Panda libraries are used to read the data, manipulate and summarize the data, Scikit Learn is used to model the data for outputs like Clustering, Regression, and random forest.

2) Web development — This always remains a key aspect of the internet revolution. Python makes it easily readable and accessible. It is also highly portable with other applications meaning you have an application in a different language, Python also gives you the flexibility to develop applications on that. They have frameworks for all purposes — full-stack, micro-framework, and asynchronous framework enabling all users to perform according to their needs. The most common frameworks available with Python are Django, Pylons, Giotto, Pyramid for full-stack and Flask, Hug, Falcon for microframeworks.

Some of the most commonly used web applications that use Python are YouTube, Google, Dropbox, BitTorrent, NASA, Netflix, Raspberry Pi, and NSA. — which means job scopes in these companies too!

3) Game development — More interesting aspects of Python is in the field of Game Development — frameworks like Panda3D, Cocos2d, and versatile Pygame. You can learn to make a Snake game in Python in less than 2 hours. Other famous games built-in Python is The Sims 4, Civilisation IV, and World of Tanks. You can also add graphics from their libraries with Python.

4) Web scraping

With large scale data collection from various websites these days, this can be performed easily with Python. Apart from the various business strategies that rely on this, one can create an RSS feed, an e-commerce aggregator in under 2 hours!

It is simple and very easy to learn. It is an open-source, interpreter, and has a large community base to help you out with problems you face while writing the code. It has simple and small lines of code and lucid for everyone to understand. It is commonly said that even 6 years old can learn python’. So let’s get going!

1) The syntax is simpler than all the other programming languages. C++ and Java have simple yet rigid and long syntaxes. If one misses braces or a semicolon at the end of the sentence, its an error! While in Python, indentation is mandatory. It also helps in the readability of the code and seems like having a conversation with a computer.

2) Dynamic — Python is an interpreter. It understands the data type without a declaration. While in other languages, you define a variable and also the data type without portability.

3) Speed — Python programs are slower than Java, but considering the time of development, they match the popularity of Java. Python takes lesser time to write because they are 3–5 times shorter than the equivalent of Java.



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